R e g i s t r a t i o n





       Classes of Nonna Karakashyan                            Chess-in-Russian

       Classes of Yuriy Karakashyan                              Chess-in-English

     Registration for online chess classes continues

     For information and registration, please write us to

     Upon receiving your registration, we will schedule a brief online assessment to
     determine the best class for your child.
     Based on results, we will suggest you different possible options in schedule





     Our classes are held for students of different ages and levels.

     Chess classes are of various duration. 

     Each lesson includes explanation of new material, solving chess combinations and problems on
     previously studied topics, as well as practical games.

     Here are some topics of our study programs for beginners and for intermediate / advanced classes.

     Registration is free but necessary since our classes are small and seats are limited.

    About online program

    We are using great program for online education. This program is already in operation for 3 years and makes
    teaching completely similar to real classroom:

  • Program is fully interactive: the teacher and students can see each other, talk to each other

  • Students are able to see analysis of every position on chess board online, move by move

  • When any position is being discussion, students are able to submit their answers either by using chat or just by raising their hands and speaking to camera

  • For practical games, we use chess resources that allow students play online with each other while teacher is able to view their games and analyze, if necessary

  • After the class, we send scanned homework pages to students by email

    What you will need for online classes

  • You will need a computer, a web camera / microphone, and good Internet connection.




Registration for online Chess-in-English and Chess-in-Russian classes:

        To register for our online chess classes, please send us email to
chessclass@gmail.com or
admin@chess-class.com that includes:

  • name and age of your child;

  • what level describes best his/her chess experience:

    • Level 0 (novice) - your child does not know chess moves and needs to start from the very basics;

    • Level 1 (beginner) - your child is a beginner, knows how all chess pieces move and plays at home, with friends etc.;

    • Level 2 (intermediate) - your child studied chess previously; now he/she participates in chess tournaments for beginners;

    • Level 3 and Level 4 (advanced) - your child has US Chess Federation rating (please include the latest rating)

  • language:  English or Russian;

  • your contact information: name, email and phone