January - February 2005    Tournaments

On February 27, 2005 5-years-old
Roma Rychkov got the 1st place trophy with the best result in Kindergarten section
in New Jersey State Elementary Championships (Lincroft, NJ).
Roma started our chess classes a few months ago. He likes to play and plays successfully not only with players of his age but also with much older students. And he is eager to learn different  topics in chess theory - especially tactical elements and endgames...

Shor twin brothers
played successfully in another section
in New Jersey State Elementary Championships.
Ronen Shor
(on the right) won 4 with 1 draw in 5 games and was awarded with 2nd place trophy in 6-graders section;
also demonstrated good game and finished with high result 4 of 5.

Dina Shimanovich is among winners again !

She got 2nd place trophy
in 3-graders section of New Jersey State Elementary Championships.

Shimanoviches sisters - Dina, Adah, Esther
(from left to right)

On February 13, 2005
Eitan Shnayder
won  1st place in Westfield Scholastic tournaments among 3-5 graders

Ariel Shusterman got 2nd place trophy.

Game analysis -
Eitan Shnayder (left) and Ariel Shusterman (right)

In January Ksenya Rychkova played in Polgar Chess Center tournament and was awarded with a special trophy for good understanding of endgame - hand-held chess computer.

Tim Elbert showed the best results in unrated section of Westfield Scholastic tournament twice - in January'05 and in February'05. Both times Tim was awarded with gold medals.

Studying with Nonna Karakashyan -
Sergey Smirnov (left) and Tim Elbert (right).